South region

Distance with Baku: 268 km

Population: 213,2 thsd person

How to reach: Bus-> Scheduled bus Baku-Lankaran – 6 hours; Train: Baku-Astara – 9 hours

Lankaran district is allocated at southeast part of Azerbaijan, at Lankaran terrain, being spread out on tens of kilometers. Waters of Caspian Sea wash out the territory of the district in the eastern side. 29 thousands hectares of the area are covered with woods. Climate of Lankaran city is humid-subtropical. Here you cannot meet severe snowy winter. Summer is dry and hot, and autumn is rainy. Mid annual air temperature +14 °C. January is the most cold month (+3,4 °C), July is the most hot month (+25,1 °C) of year. Annual amount of downfalls constitutes 1400-1600 mm. Round year those places are covered with green livery of spring.

Lankaran district possesses by rich flora and fauna. Talish woods are aware around the world for their relict and endemic trees. Ferrous tree, azat, silky acacia, oak, eucalyptus, cork tree, velvet birch, nil, acacia, box tree rightly is assessed as Pearle of today's flora. By main wooden tree of Lankaran is widening deciduous oak. This type of tree refers to the third generation of relict trees. Its height ranged in 40 – 45 meters. One of the most noticed features of another relict greenery – ferrous tree is that whilst in winter period of time, leaves on trees do not fall ever, but become dried and stay on the tree. Forests are being in full abundant as well with wild growing fruit trees, medicine and shrubby herbs. Maritime shorelines spread out nearby Lankaran city, has marvelous sandy beaches.

The district has rich river network. In radius of 10-25 km out of the area center there Lankaran, Veravul, Bolladi and Gumbashi rivers are flowing. Rivers, basically, are filled out due to to rain draughts; many of them run into Caspian Sea. In spring and autumn times of year, the rivers show their rapid character. For water of rivers usage intended for wetting, there is Khanbulanchay water basin had been constructed.

Lankaran land is enriched with hot sources. In 12 kilometers to the west of Lankaran city beneath Talish mountains, being not far from Ibadin forest there exist hot source called Meshe, on 13 kilometers of Lankaran – Masalli roadway – Havzova source, on 15 kilometers of Lankaran – Lerik highroad, beneath Ibadi and Sumakh mountain – Ibadi source. According to story, there in that place, it was settled down and, having been cured out from hard complaint, the man named Ibadulla.

In the area, it is a allocated two national parks – Girkan and Gizilagaj. In these preserves, there are habituated pheasants, swans, hens, white eagles and other rare birds, in total amounted to 270 types. In Girkan preserved parks more often you might see ancient types of trees.

Lankaran area – important agricultural zone. Due to warm climate, abundance of sun and to the highest fertility of soil, Lankaran is famed with subtropical cultures: with tea, Japanese persimmon, feijoa, lemon, tangerine. Here, as well as, winter and spring vegetables are being grown. However, the main product is sea. Tea growing is one of the mire developed and marginal types of agricultural activity in the region. Harvest yielding passes through refinery process done at local factories. Industry is presented by furniture, silk carpets manufacturing. Administrating district center is Lankaran, being drowned down in greenery of acacias.

Preferable geographical disposition, fertilize soil and rich natural resources since ancient times had attracted people here. Starting from epoch of late Stone Age, here there were settlements. Three hundred years ago on the sport where now the city is allocated, was marshland, having been covered with thick brushwood of reed. On the Lankaran riverbank, not far from the sea it was constructed fortress in shape of not-correct tetragon with two towers. At the same in conjunction with fortress, it was constructed beacon. The primary name was Lengerkunan, which had meant, "anchor place", i.e. port.

In XVIII century Talish khanate was established. During Garakhan governing, capital of khanate was moved from Astara to Lankaran. The city commenced to grow up. Economical, political and cultural life of khanate became to being modernized. Widen proliferation had been gained in forging case, copper manufacturing, jewelry decoration' manufacturing. Lankaran during long period left as a capital of Talish khanate and had plaid important part in commercial links of Azerbaijan with Iran, Middle Asia, India and Rissia. There were exited nine markets in the city, having been surrounded with living structures.

In 1975 warriors of Iranian shah, Muhammad Gajar assaulted Lankaran. Mustafa Khan had to evacuate habitants to sari Island and to organize protection there. Having sacked the city, Gajar army stepped back towards the south. And by 1st of January 1813 Lankaran Khanate was captured by Russia. Later on, according to Gulustan treaty, the khanate had fallen into liaison with Rissia.

Among agricultural memorials in Lankaran city there were stored Kichik mosque, Guldasta minaret, Haji Mirza bath house, beautiful Khan Evi (Khan palace) with accurate ornaments thereon, being decorated facade of building. In Yukhari Nevedi village there is ancient tower Abirlar, in the village of Shikhakaran – Tower of Sheikh Zahid. To the west of the city, there are ruins of Balabur fortress. While making construction operations in fortress, fluvial rock and the red annealed brick were used. Up to our days there were ceramic sewage pipelines left. At the most highest spot of the fortress it was erected the tower. Local people calls that fortress "Boz – gala".

In Lankaran city there is available museum of history, which is interested both with its exposition and it is building. Lankaran land – homeland of famous generals Samedbey Mehmandarov and Hazi Aslanov. In honor of Hazi Aslanov, it was established monument, but in house, where he was born, it was opened museum. The city has own football club "Khazar". The history of the present theater is started in XIX century. The first play performance was staged in 1850, and all collection is taken from the play had been sacrificed to poor people.

In Boladi, Verabul, Vilvan villages there were developed traditional handicrafts: carpet weaving, jewelry matter, wicker – work of domestic articles from bulrush. In Lankaran city, some of craftsmen are dealing with decorative – applied type of art such as cutting on timber, rock and metal.

Distance with Baku: 325 km

Population: 77,5 thsd person

How to reach: Bus-> Scheduled bus Lankaran-Lerik, Baku-Lerik -9 hours

Highly in Talish mountains, where someone might touch heavens with its own hand it is allocated one of the most picturesque corners of Azerbaijan – Lerik district. Here you could find out everything, by which nature might gift a man: magnificent mountains, thick forests, rivers and waterfalls, crystalline pure fresh air and fertile soil. The highest points in the area – Komurgoy (2492 m) and Gisyurdu (2433 m) mountains. In autumn it often rains, roads paved towards far villages become not passable. In summer temperature +20 C, +25 C. Natural recreational zones of Buludul are popular (20 km out of district center) and Zaringala as well (17 km). Here you may find out rills with the tastiest water. In forests and alongside the Lerik riverbanks, there are available conditions intended for going on wild boar, hare, fox, partridge, ducks. In hard accessible corners of woods, among mountains there is leopard habituated.

Nowadays, scientific program is in force; that program is targeted on keeping of that rare bruit. Except for unrepeatable nature, that region always was in honor by its original culture and ancient story. Here it was discovered cave parking site, in which men of rock age habituated. In the area, there are numerous historical memorials. Among them: mausoleum of Khoja Seid in Khanagah village (XIV century); mosque of XIX century in Lulakaran village; ancient settlement "Giz Yurdu" nearby Mistan village allocated at height of 2438 m; mausoleum Baba Hasan – nearby Jonu village; Baba Isa mausoleum in Mondigakh village; mausoleum Pir Yusif nearby Kekonu village mausoleum Jabir XII-XIV centuries situated on way leading from Lerik towards Jengimiran village. There rock statues of muttons are kept in many villages. Nearby Jengimiran there is mausoleum of Khalif Zakariya. In the village, as historical monuments, there are old trees being in custody. During its voyage onto Caucasus Alexander Dumas had vizited thst village, reviewed monuments of antiquity, and talked with dwellers of the village. In one of its novels, Dumas told to residents of the said village on heroism.

Lerik always was in honor with its long living men, among which Shirali Muslumov, who set up New World record upon life term duration, having lived out 163 years (1812-1975). Another long living person Mahmud Eyvazov who lived out 150 years (1808-1958). Now in the area there are tens of men are habituated, having been stepped over age-old border and kept workable activity.

The area center – Lerik city is allocated between highest mountains and fertile plain. You might attend local historical museum of the land and inspect memorials having been set up in memory of Garabag war.

Distance with Baku: 230 km

Population: 205,8 thsd person

How to reach: Bus-> Scheduled bus Baku-Masally – 7 hours, Sumgayit-Masally, Ganja-Masally, Mingachevir-Masally, Shirvan – Masally, Lankaran - Masally; Train: Baku-Astara – 6,5 hours.

Masally – agriculture district situated on main road, leading from Baku city onto the south to Lankaran and Iran. In antic ancient times, this territory was in composition of states of Manna, Atropatena. Since mid of XVIII century it was allocated in the body of Talish khanate.

The area is surrounded by Caspian Sea from the one side and Talish mountains – from another one's. By relief the area might be conventionally divided on mountain (Talish) and plain (Lankaran terrain) parts. Climate is subtropical. Vilash, Tatyan, Alvaidichay rivers and others are flown along the area's territory and fallen onto Caspian Sea.

The richest vegetable land was kept in forestry of Gariblar and Yenikand valuable breeds. Of trees such as beech, hornbeam, ferrous tree, alder, and oak. In hunting farm of Girmizi village one may hunt on woody beasts and on the territory, being closer to Gizilagach preserve park on-water floating birds and animals like fox, wild boar, badger, wolf.

In the area, there are many sulfur medical sources. In picturesque of mountains, there is mineral spring of Istisu. In summer period of time herein it is arrived many quantity resort people just for having enjoyment, as well as sick men come therein suffering with rheumatism. Beautiful landscape adds to small hot waterfall and hanging bridge.

The district center – Masally city. Name of the city was bound with habituated before tribe of massal. Among historical monuments of architecture here it was stored bath house and mosque (XIX century), Erkivan tower, in villages of Boradigah and Digah – mosques of XVI century, Seid Sadig mausoleum. Along way of Massali – Lankaran is allocated at Gizilagay preserved park.

In the town, one may make parking and stay at hotel and Guest House. For tourists it would be interesting to review exposition of Museum of Local lore, history and economy in the town, to be familiarized with products of traditional national crafts: in Musakuja village – this is "khasir' – plaited mats, in Turkoba villages – carpets, jorabs (socks), gloves; in villages of Gariblar, Kolatan, Sigdash – timbered products, being decorated with national ornament.

In Massali town's surroundings there exist small lake spreading out among thick forest – lovely place of guests' and local residents' recreation area.
